Live unlike the others

“Life on the road is hard. I talked to my bike. It’s a bit crazy, but I talked to it every day, not to abandon me, not to let me down, not to break down, my motorcycle represents my life, more than just a bike”. I though it was just me but this quote is from Cyril Neveu so I guess its normal behaviour from a solo motorcyclist in a strange far away land. If you are planing a trip, long or short my advice is just do it… you will remember the sites you saw and the things you did, they will travel with you forever and if you go… I promise you this… you will not come back the same.Live unlike the others


I was lucky enough over the last 4 days to get a chance to see nofitstate and the new performance of Bianco, if you every get the opportunity to see these artists then take it greedly with both hands. The performance follows closely on the heels of the worldwide Tabu tour and supported by Fireproof Giant the entire experience is breathtaking – listen to the closing track “a place to start” and immerse your self in the performance.No Fit State

Poverty and deprivation

The last ten days have been spent touring some of the most beautiful yet damaged places in south eastern Europe – it is a real dichotomy to me that despite extreme poverty and environmental damage individual personality, hope and passion still shine through in the smiles of children, the café culture and dusty village squares.Proof that...