Fauno Bar

An ice cold beer and a bowel of green and black olives would refresh most travellers. Over the last weeks I have spent many happy evenings in Fauno Bar, simply watching other travellers cascade past or admiring classic motorcycles as their effortlessly cool owners stop for engaging conversations and socialisation.

Out of Adversity comes Fondue

So breaking down on the D925 in the beautiful environment east of Lac De Roselend meant that we needed to find shelter and call for help. The biking fraternity came to my rescue again and a friendly GS1200 rider ushered Gareth and I up to La Pierra Menta (highly recommended) to wait for rescue from Gaage Des Carroz. Not ever wanting to turn down lunch a Savoyard Fondue was ordered and jointly consumed – all I need now is help to get the bike back on the road…I am thinking Hall Sensors?

Italian Street Art

Not sure there has to be a rhyme or reason but in Gaggio Montano I came across a F-104 on the village green – turns out their are over 140 F104s in public places in Italy. Oh and yes I then rode up to a container installation…

Quick Escape

It was late as I saw the two girls out of the corner of my eye – one helmet less but catching a lift from her friend, ahead was a polizia municipale officer – they rode past me and as the pillion dismounted waving ‘ciao’ she slipped past the municipale remounted and giggled their way up the Via Fuorimura – Buona serataScooter Escape